I (Nelson) would consider myself an editor by trade. Most of my time as a “visual storyteller” has come in and through editing and I feel at home in the edit; combing through hours of footage to find and craft the pieces of each puzzle that is a film or visual story.

That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the other aspects of filmmaking though. I’ve spent many days behind the camera/mic/drone for corporate projects, wedding highlights, documentaries, and short films and I like having the skills necessary to create a story from beginning to end. Additionally, I feel my experience as an editor gives me insight to what will look good and what will cut together well in the timeline. I think and shoot (a camera) like an editor, and I feel that gives my work both consistency and polish. It’s something I take pride in and something I feel is particularly valuable for those I work with and work for.

That consistency and polish is something I’ve strived for since I first picked up a video camera (which, if you were curious, was a blue iPod Nano, the tall one with the tiny camera on the back that could do artificial thermal vision). I would see how great our silly high school videos could be and how many hilarious gags my buddies and I could get away with. And in the midst of editing those very-high-school videos, I distinctly remember thinking to myself that I could do this as a career someday: editing and making videos.

And I’m thankful I can still say that today. Even more than that, I would say I have the privilege to do this as a career. Films and media fill so much of our world and I’m grateful for each opportunity to create something people will dedicate their precious time to. I have learned what it means to listen to and share deep and personal stories, ones that draw out our emotions and connect us as people to one another; and I’m humbled to have those skills and be in this industry: an industry of storytelling.

Whether you need an editor, drone pilot, or creative partner, if you’re interested in working together, please contact me below or send me an email at ngranteditor@gmail.com. I’d be more than happy to talk with you about your project vision, budget, and how to make your idea(s) a reality.

Kind Of Work You're Interested In

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